Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Holy Breastfeeding!

OK, I know there are lots of different views on the topic of breastfeeding, but this is my blog. I am Catholic, not a good one, but I make the effort so my kids have some type of faith until they can choose their own.

We were recently at the Easter vigil mass. For those non-church goers, that means mass the night before Easter that started at 7pm. We got there early, knowing it would be tough finding parking and a good seat (my kids like front row!) and we did get a front row seat in the side aisle. In the front row of the middle aisle was a woman with her baby, 3 sons and husband. The baby was beautiful and very well behaved. About 1/3 of the way into this 2 hour mass, the woman begins breast feeding, right there in the front row! It also happens to be right in front of where the priest sits while the readings are being read, etc.

My feeling is that breast feeding is an intimate, private moment between you and your child. I have friends that do not feel this way and have no problem breast feeding in public. I, personally, am not comfortable with it, but realize it's done just about everywhere these days. So, yes, it made me uncomfortable, but I also feel that church is no place to be breast feeding. The least she could have done was sit in the back of the church, where almost no one would have seen her. I mean, she was breast feeding on and off until almost the end of the mass when her child feel asleep! 3/4 of the church had to walk right in front of her slowly when they were going up for communion! Maybe I'm a prude, but that just seems wrong.

Let me know your thoughts on this matter!

Candida Update - Fight the Good Fight

Yikes, it's been a while since I have posted anything -not that anyone cares - but I like the freedom of getting on my own personal soap box in this blog; it's quite relaxing. Anyway, let's update the situation.

I decided to self-treat myself for intestinal candida, but to do so requires extensive research. I say this b/c it was my fear to start this and fail without seeing any results or even knowing there could have been results. This required much preparation. I actually found someone who had dealt with this infliction and was blessed enough to have a doctor keen enough to recognize the symptoms. This doctor gave her a website that was helpful and got me started on the right track: www.yeastconnection.com and what a fabulous website this is. From here I decided I should suck it up and purchase the guidebook and cookbook listed on the website. Which I did, on eBay. This took a while since the first book I purchased never arrived, although it's shredded envelope arrived in a US post office large ziploc basically saying "oops!" but no book to be found. I actually have found the guidebook to be more helpful than the cookbook, in case anyone is keeping score. Once I had figured out what I was going to exist on for at least a couple of weeks, stocked the house, prepared the family for what was about to commence, then I began. Hubby was very supportive and the first week was very hard.

I think it was day 3 or 4 that I noticed how clean my teeth felt. Anytime of the day or night, they felt as though I had just brushed. I guess that's what happens when you don't eat sugar/yeast/milk. By the end of week 1 I was feeling good and I remember during the second week, that foggy feeling I usually had during the afternoon was disappearing. I used to have such a hard time focusing throughout the day! I would feel so tired, like I couldn't possibly keep my eyes open until 5pm. Now I had more energy and I felt better all around.

The down side to these early days? Chicken, chicken and more chicken! I tried to have variety, but chicken is always easy. Quinoa is a life saver. If you haven't tried it, do! It's a grain, but it's my pasta substitute. The other downside? The supplements I bought to help rid your intestines of yeast are the most horrible smelling/tasting capsules I have ever encountered in my life and I have to take 6 at a time! I still have to block my nose when taking them, then eat some nuts right afterward to get the taste out of my mouth!

I have learned to LOVE seltzer water, since all you can drink is water. I needed something with bubbles to liven things up a little.

I have been eating this way for about 1 1/2 months now, and yes, I have cheated a few times. I did good for a whole month and right after that was my daughters birthday and I have cheated once a week since then. I know this is not good and part of me feels the more I cheat, the more I want to cheat, but 90% of the time I do really well. I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks, but I had lost about 13lbs since I started at that point.

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or helpful hints on this topic - I'd love to hear them!