These photos are actually from the night we brought them home...I think Bethany was 2yrs old and those puppies! Mike certainly couldn't resist...

These almost look like the faces they were giving me this afternoon!

Since we are on a serious budget at the moment, and Walmart...excuse me, that's "Super Walmart" has the cheapest prices on a lot of items, I have been there quite a bit in the last month. The problem is, the only time I can make it there is during my lunch time from work, after work or on weekends. It is just so crowded all the time! Even driving in to and out of the parking lot gets me anxious. My husband got me to start parking way away from everyone else, and it does help.
So tonight we needed to go to Walmart. This was a special treat as all 4 of us were going - me, Mike and the girls. Special treat means I will be aggravated within 10 minutes of being in there because of all the stupid people I know I will encounter, Mike will be aggravated within 20 minutes b/c the girls will have started either arguing or competing about something. Then it will escalate to one of us yelling at the girls in the store, and there you have it, we have now turned into the exact people we wanted to avoid at Walmart. The minute I get in that store, though, I want to just crash my carriage through all the "clutter". (For those of you who like politically correct baloney, you might want to stop reading.) By "clutter" I mean, people who feel it is necessary to wear their pajamas, along with their slippers, to Walmart. I guess in a way, it's a good thing. Almost like a uniform for the stupid people; they might look normal but then you look down at their fuzzy slippers and "oh, I'll just go around the other way". Tonight we had an extra special visit as we saw a woman, with a family, walking around in the grocery aisles, barefoot. Now before you go saying maybe she is homeless and can't afford shoes, I think if they pawned some of the gold they were wearing, she could go and buy at least a $5 pair of Keds knock offs in the Walmart shoe section. Now after getting almost everything on my list - I don't know why I thought I would be able to get Edamame at Walmart? - we headed for the register. The line was particularly slow in moving - we probably waited about 20min in line and there were only 3 people in front of us - and Mike says, "Is this where people come when they don't make it as cashiers at other stores?", which is when I gave him my "don't be rude" eyes. For the piece de resistance, while waiting in line, we got to watch 3 shoplifters get read their rights, handcuffed, banned from Walmart and thrown in the awaiting cruisers. When Mike mentioned they would be banned from Walmart, Bethany looks at me and says, "Mom, you should steal something because you would love it if you were banned from Walmart!" Hmmmmm.....