If you are someone who has never travelled outside of the US, then you will probably read this and say "Well it doesn't affect me so why should I care". Ugh. That is the typical, selfish, ugly American attitude that so much of the rest of the world hates. Wherever I travelled outside of the US, I always found some "ugly Americans". I'm not saying we are all like this, but it is this closemindedness that infuriates other countries. Oh, if you don't know where Zimbabwe is, get off your lazy butt and look at a map! Ugh.
On with my topic. Zimbabwe. My best friend is currently living and working for an aid organization in Tanzania. She previously lived and worked (for the same organization) in Zimbabwe and that is actually where she met her husband. She was recently home for a short visit which is when I learned of the horrors that are occurring over in Zimbabwe. I felt embarrassed that I had to learn of this, not from our coveted news organizations, but from my friend. She, also, was in disbelief that there was nothing on the news about it. I only found it online after searching for information on Zimbabwe.
Here's the story: Zimbabwe held an election in which the current president appeared to be losing. Apparently he was going to concede until the hard line cronies convinced him not to. Now, not only did he force there to be a run off election, he is forcing people to vote for him! How you say, is he forcing people to vote for him? Well, for starters, people who have been rumored to have voted for the opposition have been seen being beaten to death. Now he has told all of the aid organizations in the country to stop what they are doing - do not give out any more aid. My friend advised when she was there, they gave out food on an emergency basis, meaning only to those who had no food and no way to get food. So effectively, there are now thousands of people starving....but wait! They can get food....if they vote for the president. How nicely that works out for him. Unfortunately he has brought in thugs to villages that are known to back the opposition to beat some senses into them. From what I have read in the news stories I found on the web, Zimbabwe's elections next week are anticipated to set off a storm of violence in the country.
I know this is hard for most of us to understand in our comfortable, air conditioned homes. Think about what it might be like to be tortured for wanting to vote for a particular candidate...or even just being accused of thinking about voting a certain way, even if it wasn't true. Or maybe you were seen chatting with your neighbor, who was found to be thinking of voting for that certain candidate - guilty by association. Peoples homes are being torched in the middle of the night. Mothers are jumping out back windows with the infants as thugs rush in the front doors. Teachers in particular are being targeted so most have fled, leaving the educational system in shambles.
So who cares? What are we supposed to do about? Good question. I don't really know the answer to that one yet. But stay posted, I will have updates on this one.
The election is scheduled for June 27th so keep a close eye on the news then.
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