I thought I would introduce you to "Big Fat Froggy" as we affectionately call him. He lives in our little flower bed by the deck and every year I always look forward to the first "Big Fat Froggy" sighting. Of course I have no idea if it's really the same frog we see each season, but I like to think that it is and he keeps coming back b/c he has become accustomed to being called "Big Fat Froggy" and his friends in the frog world just laugh at the name and continue to call him Fred. I think I had too much coffee today....
LOL...There have been 4 frogs hanging out in Harry's mud hole all summer. After the storm this past weekend, there were 9!! I love watching Harry getting in the water and seeing all the frogs flee or just sit there just a few inches away. I don't think he knows that they're there and the frogs seem to be more scared of me!