I never wanted to be a vampire more than when Edward and Bella are in his car and he says to her, "I don't have the strength to stay away from you", or something incredibly romantic like that. Or maybe it's when their faces are inches apart right after he has saved her life in the parking lot (photo above)....or maybe when he brings her hundreds of breathless feet up into the trees. New Years' Day found me and a friend seeing the movie Twilight for the second time. This time, I'm happy to say, it was almost all adults in the theater. This meant no screaming teenage girls every time Edward appeared on screen...although this also meant we couldn't scream with them and get away with it! I enjoyed the second time around so much more because I wasn't sitting there trying to analyze the whole movie and compare it to the book. I just watched and enjoyed. My friend asked if it was a bad thing that we wanted to spend our afternoon drooling over an eternal 17 yr. old boy.....maybe, but it was great!
I want to be a vampire too! I finished the partial draft of Midnight Sun. All I can say is you are missing out! Be still my heart. I never thought it was possible to find Edward more dreamy but reading his account of how he and Bella got together...OH MY!