Sunday, May 31, 2009
Pretty In Pink...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Just Call Me Farmer Green Jeans...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've Got A Secret....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Strange And The Funny....
I did a double take the other day. We got the book of coupons from BJ's in the mail, so of course I was leafing through it to see if I could save $5 when I buy $100 worth of toothpaste or something idiotic like that...and I came across this:
OK, next I am going to tell you two stories, both true, both might make you cringe a little bit because they are a little gross, and both situations will require some time to pass before they are seen as funny.
The first involves me and my daughter. She recently got her period and it's still all new to her. I sometimes will try to impart a bit of wisdom on the subject to her, but she just tells me to stop talking - it is not a subject she will discuss freely. I have made a point of making sure she knows to dispose of her sanitary items by wrapping them in toilet paper and throwing in the trash in the bathroom. This is common sense. Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and stumbled to the bathroom. I didn't turn the light on (strike one) and I didn't have my glasses (strike two). After doing my business I had to blow my nose and the tissues are on a little table right in front of the toilet. When I grabbed for a tissue, it seemed like I had grabbed a bunch of them so I tried to shake out just one tissue, so as not to be wasteful, of course, and I saw something fall to the floor. As soon as it happened I realized I wasn't holding tissues in my hand...when I told my daughter this story I couldn't even get to the part where I was angry because she was laughing so hard.
The second story involves the family of my friend. It was when her niece was younger and still living with her Mom and Dad. No one was home and she and her boyfriend were in her bedroom having sex when she heard her mother come home. She immediately got up and started getting the same time he whipped off the condom they had been using and also got dressed. Her Mother kind of figured out what had been going on and was trying to call her bluff on it, but she denied they were having sex; she kept insisting that's not what they were doing. The whole time both she and her boyfriend couldn't find the condom he had quickly thrown somewhere....that is until the dog came walking out with it stuck to his fur! Yes I can laugh because it's not my daughter!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Moonshadow Rising....
So tonight I happened to be watching the Steve Colbert show - I've never seen it before - and who the hell does he have as his guest? Yusuf! Uh, Karen, we're not following you here? Yes, because Cat Stevens dropped off the face of the earth back in the late 70's and converted to Islam...and changed his name to Yusuf. For 30 some odd years he has deprived music fans around the world of his talent so he could pursue "educational and philanthropic causes in the Muslim community"...during which time we have had some major events leading the US to feel quite poorly towards apparently Yusuf realized he really sucked at trying to do good for the Muslims and decided to go back to what he suddenly realized he does best...create music. The Roadsinger is his new album, and the name of the song that I have included a clip of in this blog. I read he spends half the year in London and the other half in it's safe to say he's not returning to music...anyone who can afford to spend half the year in Dubai doesn't need money! Part of me wants to be happy he has returned to making music and the other half wants to tell him....well use your imagination...for leaving us hanging when we could have used more of his feel-good songs.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How Will I Ever Contain Myself!?????

OK, please take a moment to get your planners and a pen, especially if you are in the Boston area, although even if you're not, it's well worth the trip. June 9th - 11th will be the annual Scooperbowl! What? You are not aware of this event?! Blasphemy! I guess there could be some people out there not as fanatical about ice cream as me, so here's the scoop! (couldn't resist!) For 3 days, you can pay $8 and EAT ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU WANT....let me repeat that in case you missed it...for $8 you can walk around to all your favorite ice cream creators (Ben & Jerry's, Breyers, Brighams, Hood, Haagen Dazs, etc.) and EAT ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU WANT!!! This is not a joke, I've been and now they actually have a pass for $15 that allows you to attend the event 3 different times! So for $15 you could EAT ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU WANT for three whole days! It's pretty awesome...yes each vendor has a limited selection, but there is always something for everyone....I am sad that I don't see Cold Stone among the sponsors...but I'm confident I'll get over it! The best part is the event benefits the Dana Faber Jimmy Fund so you can feel good about EATING ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU WANT! It's less than a month away....I feel like a kid at Christmas!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Feel-Good Sites....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sermon Cliff Notes....Anyone?
Getting on with co-worker and I were discussing church today. This is unusual for me, to say the least. I usually keep to a pretty strict code of not discussing the big 3 under any circumstances: religion, wages, politics. I have seen where all three of these topics, at different times, have made me view someone in a whole different light.
But, there I was, freely discussing my religion without a care in the world. I feel for the most part that this co-worker and I have similar views about the Catholic religion so maybe that's why I'm a little more free with my views with her. We were discussing different religions and she said how she had gone to I think a Baptist service and how it was fun!? Fun? At church? How can this be? Have they been hiding the fun church from me all these years? Do I have to get to a certain level of faith to be allowed in to the fun church...or maybe after so many good deeds you are granted a weekend pass? Damn this blog, I bet it's setting me back a few years from ever getting into the "fun church"! Oh, that's right. I'm Catholic. No fun church for us. All ritual, no fun. I remember in college one of my roommates went to a local church where they spent a few hours discussing how to put the scripture to use in today's to actually apply it in every day life. Interesting concept. Every so often my church has a "class mass" where one of the CCD classes takes over the mass and say, all the 3rd graders will do the readings, bring up the gifts, etc. During these masses, the priest usually gears the sermon to the they can understand it. These are the best sermons, because I can finally understand them! Why aren't they all like that?! Usually I feel like I need the cliff notes to the sermon to figure out what I'm supposed to take away from it...hmmm, I wonder if I could market that?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saving The Earth One Nip Bottle At A Time...

Ok, ok, ok. I realize that it says "April 22" and it's now May 4th, I'm a little behind sue me! What did you do for Earth Day, huh? Did you even think about it? I don't know why they don't just make Earth Day the Saturday closest to April 22nd every year - it's kind of hard for us working people to do much on a weekday - it's hard enough just to get through work! The Saturday after Earth Day I noticed a man and his two daughters out cleaning up along the road for much of the day - they bagged an impressive 20 some-odd bags of trash! For whatever reason my town's official Earth Day clean up wasn't until this past Saturday, May 2nd. Bethany and I trekked into town to register and get town-supplied gloves and trash bags before heading close to home. We had decided some time ago to clean up this area off the side of a back road, next to a bridge. Many people park here throughout the day to go fishing off the bridge - when I say bridge, it just looks like the road with water on either side, but it is raised and low boats can go under it. Anyway, if you remember my photo of the swan a little while back? When we stopped to take photos of the swan, there were ducks walking around, and they were so cute, but they were walking amongst a bunch of trash. Bethany decided that was where she wanted to clean this year. After completing the cleaning, my guess is that the trash is not left by the people fishing, but by people that I'm assuming are stopping there at night for a little partying. There were many, many alcohol nips ( I realize I'm letting the fishermen off easy here) along with beer bottles, fast food bags, coffee cups, as well as some curtains that apparently disgusted their owners so much they were thrown from the car? The worst thing we found, and didn't touch, were the remains where someone obviously couldn't wait to get to a bathroom....and it wasn't a bear. We did get a few people slowing down to give us a thumbs up, and a fisherman thanked us. And we get to drive by every morning knowing we made a difference. Queue the sweet harp music in the background....
Hopefully I'm teaching Bethany something out of all of this - truth be told, after about an hour she was skipping rocks and just pointing out where I missed the $%&*@ pieces of trash...after 2 hours I pulled something in my back lugging some big metal things from the grass to the trash pile and we called it a day. Oh well...we tried!