Getting on with co-worker and I were discussing church today. This is unusual for me, to say the least. I usually keep to a pretty strict code of not discussing the big 3 under any circumstances: religion, wages, politics. I have seen where all three of these topics, at different times, have made me view someone in a whole different light.
But, there I was, freely discussing my religion without a care in the world. I feel for the most part that this co-worker and I have similar views about the Catholic religion so maybe that's why I'm a little more free with my views with her. We were discussing different religions and she said how she had gone to I think a Baptist service and how it was fun!? Fun? At church? How can this be? Have they been hiding the fun church from me all these years? Do I have to get to a certain level of faith to be allowed in to the fun church...or maybe after so many good deeds you are granted a weekend pass? Damn this blog, I bet it's setting me back a few years from ever getting into the "fun church"! Oh, that's right. I'm Catholic. No fun church for us. All ritual, no fun. I remember in college one of my roommates went to a local church where they spent a few hours discussing how to put the scripture to use in today's to actually apply it in every day life. Interesting concept. Every so often my church has a "class mass" where one of the CCD classes takes over the mass and say, all the 3rd graders will do the readings, bring up the gifts, etc. During these masses, the priest usually gears the sermon to the they can understand it. These are the best sermons, because I can finally understand them! Why aren't they all like that?! Usually I feel like I need the cliff notes to the sermon to figure out what I'm supposed to take away from it...hmmm, I wonder if I could market that?
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