OK, where was I...oh yes, I lost about 2 months of my time with you due to a computer crash and we were catching up. One of the big events this summer was my 40th birthday. I took no chances with this celebration and had started thinking about it months before. Yes, I would have loved to celebrate Oprah style with a 3 day extravaganza, however in reality a backyard BBQ would have to do. The date I picked revolved around when one of my best friends, who lives in Africa, would be here visiting. Once I picked the date, there is no turning back. Regardless of the weather, that date is yours. My theme was "favorites"...all my favorites, of course. Cheesecake being one of them...although I made a list of 40 of my favorites. Next was music. Throughtout my life music has played such a big role - I can relate almost any event in my life to a song or style of music. I went to a lot of concerts in my day. I spent hours upon hours jotting down specific songs then going through old CD's and other people's CD's, downloading songs, then compiling specific tracks. This was no small task. We have a karaoke machine, but you can use the microphone with it like a speaker. So the idea was, I would play all these CD's I burned throughout the day and would tell little stories to go along with some of the songs. I also had some of my favorite stories from growing up. When the day came, Mike couldn't get the CD's to play...not even kidding....the microphone worked and I remember I kept yelling at him "Fix It!" - the poor guy tried everything and I just kept yelling "fix it!" but we never did get them to play - I was mad, but the wine helped dull the pain. And even though rain was predicted all week, we had none.
Anyway, on my invitations I had requested that everyone bring something that is one of their favorites; a story, a food, a shirt, etc. The picture above is my friend who grew up on my street and she is telling everyone how she always loved these chocolate type pop tarts that my Mom always bought for me and my brother, but her Mom would never buy them...so now that she is a Mom herself, she always has them in the house.
I loved celebrating that I'm 40 with so many friends that mean so much to me. I still haven't grown up yet, so the number 40 doesn't really mean anything to me...at least not yet anyway. I ended the night around 1:30am by going swimming in our pool, then trying to walk off the room spins so I could go to bed without feeling like I was in a tornado...
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