Well, this is my first blog - feel free to welcome me to the age of high tech! My original thought was to post everything from my two Boxer's point of view, but I'm not sure I want to write that way, never mind would want to read it.
Anyway, I'm still not ready to admit that summer is, for all intense purposes, over. I'm not sure why b/c I love the Fall in the New England and I hate the humidity that inevitably comes with our summers. So I made my kids go swimming with me tonite for our last swim of the year. I don't think the weather will get warm enough again to keep the water warm enough for us to go in anymore. Sasha and Sheba, our boxers, will be sad as they love to sunbathe. Unfortunately Sheba has some weird allergy to the sun and within 20min of her laying in the sun, she gets hives all over and her face around her eyes swells up! We try not to let her lay in the sun, but sometimes she sneaks into a spot of sun coming through the front window...nothing a little Benedryl won't take care of!
My thoughts on news I've seen today (I haven't really seen much today!:
Am I the only one that thinks regardless of who actually took the little girl in Portugal, Madeleine I think her name is, the fact that the parents left 3 small children ALONE in a hotel room is just plain wrong?! When the story first came out I couldn't believe that none of the news stories on TV were addressing this fact!
Vanessa Hudgins (High School Musical) and the naked truth! Well, she isn't the first and certainly won't be the last Disney sweetheart to get slutty (Britney Spears? and I'm sure there are others) - it never stopped them or Disney from making the big bucks - I'm hoping we don't hear much more about this story - I mean I'm disappointed b/c bad role model for girls who love the HSM movies but everyone makes mistakes and it's all in how you recover from them...moving on
Steve Fossett missing: I just read they think they saw wreckage that could be his plane - they have investigated several wreckage areas over the last week, none have been his so far. I have this image of this guy wanting to disappear for some adventurous reason and reappear a year later with some outrageous tale of where he's been...at least that is what I hope for him, he has been quite entertaining! I can only hope to be that adventurous and interesting in my later years!
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