Sunday, September 9, 2007

More thoughts on the day...

I've been sitting here playing around with different options for the blog and noticed my left foot is turning black and blue. If you end up following my blog at all, you'll come to realize I can be quite the klutz. Yesterday I had tried to fill a small cooler-type lunch bag with ice cubes from the fridge ice dispenser, but one or two fell to the floor. I thought "No problem" at the time b/c usually the dogs are all over anything that hits the floor. So I left to go poolside without another thought. Hours later when I returned to the kitchen in my bare feet, and I swear this only happens to me, I stepped in a pool of melted ice cube with my left foot. Said foot then slid 2 feet until it crashed into and under the stove - my toes were saved as they fit under the stove, but the part of my foot after my toes was searing with pain. I yelled at the dogs b/c I thought it was a pool of drool (not unusual) and cried out in pain. No one paid much attention as apparently I tend to be quite dramatic no matter what the injury. I can't wait to show my husband my black and blue foot and say "See! I told you I was hurt!".

Other thoughts on news:

I heard a small piece of a news story on TV about President Busch - it sounded like they were listing all the mistakes he made during his visit to Australia. The only one I heard was either he addressed a group or thanked a group of AUSTRIANS, not AUSTRALIANS while he was there. How unfortunate. I remember years ago, I think it was Busch Sr. as a matter of fact, although I could be wrong, when the US president was visiting Oz and he was giving the peace sign out the limo window and trying to get the crowds on the other side of the street, gave the peace sign with his hand facing palm-in and that gesture over there is like saying "up yours"! No wonder everyone hates us!

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