So it's almost the one year anniversary of one of my most embarrassing moments. Yes, I'm actually going to go through the agony of it and fill you in....unless you are one of the people I work with. Then you are probably sitting there, laughing and saying, "Oh yeah! That was great!"
I have a good friend where I work...I'll call her Schmeileen for privacy purposes. She really is a very nice person...however, and I have to say she has toned herself down a bit since last year, there is a side to her which is very mischievous. You just can never tell if she is serious when words are coming out of her mouth. So last year was my first Halloween at this company and I had always worked in places where everyone dressed up on Halloween and I had a lot of fun with it. I discussed with Eil....I mean Schmeileen potential costumes and she assured me she would be in costume as well.......I'm sure you can guess what happened, but let me just walk you through each painful detail.
I didn't really have a good costume and my husband works for Pepsi so I decided I would be a Pepsi delivery man. I had one of his uniform shirts, work boots, Pepsi baseball hat - it wasn't the best costume, but it would do. I know what you're thinking...not so bad, what's the big deal? Well that would be the props I I couldn't just wear the uniform, I had a handtruck with a few cases of Pepsi loaded on to it. Now from where I park, I have to walk in front of the building by many windows and once inside there is a long hallway that empties into a large room with about 30 cubicles in it with offices along the outside walls....and of course my desk is farthest from the soon as I exited the hallway and saw everyone dressed in their normal business casual attire I wanted to puke. I just kept walking towards my desk and thinking how I wanted to just turn around and go home and start over. Of course I had to go by Schmeileen to get to my desk and I made sure to let her know how unhappy I was about my situation. As soon as I sat at my desk my phone was one of the managers..."Yeah, I got a quarter stuck in the Pepsi machine in the cafeteria, can you help me out?" followed by lots of laughter. It was awful and I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it. I took it all in good fun that day, but the jokes got tiring and about a week or so ago people started asking me what my costume would be this year...yuk, yuk, yuk. Knee slapper I tell ya.
Oh no she didn't?!?!