This photo was taken from the deck off my kitchen....what a nice peaceful morning and what a great way to start the day. It doesn't happen often, that these beautiful animals grace us with their presence and I always feel I have been privileged to see something special when it happens. As I've stated before, I'm not one to get into politics, etc., however it's my blog so don't read if you don't like it. I'm not a big anti-gun activist by any means, but when hunting season begins, we know it in my house. It used to be only on the weekends...early in the morning you would start hearing the pop, pop, pop of guns going off in the woods behind our house....I have been hearing them almost every morning this week. I just feel that if I can hear them, they are way too close. I don't get the whole man thing of donning the bright orange jacket along with
camo everything else, squatting in the mud and leaves for hours, hoping to peg a poor, defenseless animal so you can brag about it. Oh yes, your very tough...would be funny to see how many hunters there still were if the animals could actually defend themselves!
OK, that's my vent for the day....
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