Tonight on TV...I forgot what channel it was on...was the original movie, Grease. Now, I don't know if other kids grew up like me and my friends, all wishing we were Sandy and reciting all the songs from that movie, but every time I watch the movie, it brings back great memories. When I was in middle school, my friends and I put on the play and I played the character Rizzo. Now I'll be honest, I had not seen the movie before I did the play so I didn't realize what an unsavory character she was until months later when I actually saw the movie. The best part was learning all the songs and dancing. So, or course, when I see the movie on TV I join in with all the singing, much to my daughters dismay. The actually forbid me to sing so I resort to lip synching. It's such a fun movie but my daughters view it through different eyes...maybe it's a generation gap...maybe my 8 year old is just too old for all of her 8 years. As you may know the movie ends with a great, pump you up type of song and Sandy has been transformed into a sexy hot mama in skin tight black and Danny is also in all black...all the characters are singing and dancing and it makes you feel good. What is Bethany's only comment? "Doesn't black attract the sun?" I gave her a look which was met with a serious, "What?"....sometimes she makes me feel like she's the Mom....
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