Why #8? I'm sure I've made at least 7 pet peeves known to you before now, so I'm conservatively guessing this to be #8. This photo is of the actual intersection involved, although I will be covering several driving habits under this one pet peeve. STUPID DRIVERS...we all come in contact with them. The intersection shown above is on a very busy residential street. It used to be one lane each way...then they built a brand spankin' new elementary school down what used to be a dead end street with about 4 houses. So now with such heavy traffic taking a left to get into the street where the school is, they made one lane into 2 lanes; one to turn left and go to the school, and one to continue going straight. I don't believe they made the street any wider, they just made 2 small lanes from one big lane. Unfortunately with all the snow we have had, they do not completely plow the lane to go straight - combine that with STUPID DRIVERS who do not pull completely into the lane to turn left and most of the time we are unable to go straight. Basically the 2 lane idea is not working out and I have to go straight past this intersection every weekday morning to drive my little genius to her smart school. Very frustrating. The other STUPID DRIVERS that aggravate me are the ones that don't know basic road rules. If a person is driving along and comes upon a parked car on their side of the road and a car is coming in the opposite direction, the car on the same side as the parked car has to stop until it is clear to go around the parked car. Basic stuff here, people! So why is it that I am always the one stopping so the idiot swerving around the parked car doesn't hit me? So infuriating! With that being said, way before I get to above intersection, I travel on another road, one lane in each direction. Almost every morning there is a car parked on my side of the street. No big deal b/c I have no problem stopping when I'm supposed to. Problem is, this car is parked on a curve, so most of the time I can't see if there is a car coming in the opposite direction until I am already swerving to go around the parked car...if there is another car coming, I then become the STUPID DRIVER! Ironic, huh?
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