I know the David Letterman comments about Sarah
Palin's daughter is kind of old news - a few days anyway - but I felt it had been far too long since I have commented on any current events. First, can we please shoot the person who coined the term and the meaning of "politically correct"? I am really sick and tired of hearing that phrase - I'm not saying I want to be able to call someone a name that will degrade them, I just think different groups take things too far...Like in this instance. From what I read online - I did not see David Letterman's show when it happened - David mentioned that Sarah
Palin had gone to a Yankees game and as part of his joke, said Sarah's 14 year old daughter got knocked up by A-Rod during the seventh inning stretch. That's it. Nothing more. And lots of people got very angry. Really people? I mean, her other daughter got pregnant when she was 17, so it's not really far off the mark, right? If you want to get technical about this. AND, I strongly feel that if you are famous by your own doing...meaning you became famous because you put yourself out there, then you and your family are fair game. I don't mean fair game to be stalked or anything like that...but if people like David Letterman WHO TELL JOKES FOR A LIVING, make a joke about you...BIG DEAL! You should not run and pout...it's actually a compliment that he thinks you are still worth commenting on!
OK, I think I got it all out....for now.
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