Saturday, August 29, 2009
Seriously, Whose Kids Are You?
Since it rained relentlessly today, I spent the entire day cleaning and decided to take a break tonight and watch a movie. It's one from Blockbuster that came through the mail. I had wanted to see it for a long time - I think when it came out years ago it got a bunch of awards. It was "Angela's Ashes" a pick me up that was! That had to be the most depressing movie EVER! I could not believe how many bad things happened to one family...and it takes place in Limerick, Ireland and as far as the movie is concerned, it rained in torrents pretty much every day, all year round. Now I know this isn't true because I've been to Ireland, specifically Limerick, and it was not raining. So there.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Back to the taco salad. I will admit the photo below is not the most a matter of fact, you may look at it and think, "Eww...not too appetizing!"...sorry about that...I'm usually pretty good at the food photos...but I think I was tired and didn't want to try to find a pretty bowl to put it in. Every time I make it, people rave about and I can't take credit for it. About 12 1/2 years ago I worked at Collette Tours and my friend, Suzanne, and I were pregnant with the exact same due date. Our friends from work gave us a baby shower together and it was great. It was held at one of our friends' houses, Joanna. She was the one who gave me this recipe after I had some that day and had to be able to make it at home. I could not believe how easy it was!
So here is the recipe:
- One head of lettuce, chopped up (I use a bag of the bagged lettuce, romaine)
- One bag of Tostitos, crunched up
- One pound of hamburg, cooked and crumbled (I usually use 2 pounds)
- One green pepper, chopped up (I usually use a red pepper)
- One tomato, chopped up
- One bunch of scallions, chopped up
- One package of taco seasoning (I use Old El Paso)
- One package of shredded taco cheese
- One bottle of creamy Italian dressing (large bottle)
Mix everything together and chill for about an hour before serving. A couple of helpful hints: don't mix together until you are ready to chill then serve right away - the chips get soggy. I sometimes cut everything up and cook the hamburg and store in the fridge overnight, then mix everything together right before serving. Also, leftovers dry out really fast; you can add lots of things to moisten the salad to eat the next day - I've added more salad dressing, even if it's not the same kind (see, I'm not even going by a recipe for this...I'm winging it! Me...the one who doesn't cook!), I've added a little mayo, or even tza tziki. (For those of you not familiar with tza tziki, I'll have a post on that at another time). Anyhoo, you must run out to get these ingredients and make this taco right now....ok not really...but you should try it soon...I know you'll like it, and people will tell you how great it is and that you are such a good cook...then they'll always want you to cook something fabulous for them...hmmm...I'm starting to see why I don't cook....ok maybe you can make the salad and just eat it all yourself? Anyway, enjoy!
I thought you might like to see some of my morning glories. I planted three packages of morning glory seeds in the Spring. Two of the packages have really taken off, winding their way up our fence. When I was growing up I remember these blue flowers growing around our garage door. I thought they were great. Up until last week, only one of the packages had bloomed and they are all hot pink and dark purple...very pretty...but I still wanted the blue ones. The buds are amazing the way they grow...they're all rolled up perfectly, then they gently unfold. I finally got my blue ones this last week:
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lots of Laughs at the Kennedy Schriver Funeral...
So I hadn't posted anything on the passing of Eunice because I just didn't have an angle. I usually come across my own way of seeing a situation. Then last night my Dad gave me the gift of a story about the funeral. My Dad definitely has the gift of the gab and I love it. I may have mentioned in the past how my parents are well known in my church (and I use the word "my" loosely), and when I say well known, my Dad and his friend are like the comedic caretakers of the church and pal around with the pastor on a daily basis. Over the past year, there was a young priest wannabe staying at our church. I guess it's the Catholic equivalent of an internship in the business world. Nice guy, good sense of humor. So in June he was ordained and was given his own church to, in? Guide? Find comic relief in? Which church? The church that was just host to countless famous people coming for the funeral of Eunice Kennedy Schriver. Can you imagine? What luck! Most of us would be thinking, "Is it ok to ask for autographs at a funeral?", not this newly ordained priest. At Communion time he was standing halfway down the aisle with the wine in the goblet and noticed a man coming back from Communion still fiddling with the host (bread) in his hand (blasphemy!) he scolded him and told him not to play with it, that he should have consumed it right away! Who was the man? Jon Bon Jovi! This coming from the same priest that also said Stevie Wonder really annoyed him that day because he kept waving at him and Stevie wouldn't wave back....
Friday, August 14, 2009
Last night as I was driving home from work and I was coming up to our house, there was a Chevy Blazer-type vehicle parked on the side of the street right before our driveway. Actually it was in between the house before ours and our house. Now this might not seem odd to anyone so let me tell you about our street. It's a relatively short, dead-end street and our house is almost at the end. There is a piece of land between our house and the house before ours which is all woods except for a strip of grass along the road, which Mike mows. I also need to tell you that we pretty much know every car that comes down our road, even if it belongs to a relative of someone that lives on the street. Now this vehicle was parked next to that woodsy area, up on the strip of grass which Mike mows. I didn't recognize the car so I slowed down to see who was inside - I could only see someone in the driver's seat who looked like they were kneeling on the seat, leaning into the back seat. As I turned into my driveway I could see the passenger back door was open and someone was standing there, leaning into the backseat. Since I am pretty much the reincarnation of Mrs. Kravitz from Bewitched (if you are too young to know who that is, Google or Bing it), this was killing me not knowing who they were and what the hell they were doing on my street, next to my house. So when I got in the house, I stood at the front door, staring at them to see what was going on...this was enough for Mike to go out there and yell to them "What are you doing?". I guess this startled one of the people, a guy, and he said "sorry" then ran into the woods to retrieve a dirty diaper he had thrown there! I assume the other person was the mother and they were there for quite some time. I was flabbergasted by this...who drives down a strange street and parks to change a diaper? And had they never changed a diaper before because it took an awfully long time to get the job done? There is a big BJ's plaza right down the street, with trash bins and everything. What kind of an example are they setting for their child, throwing trash wherever they feel like it...Mike didn't seem to think this was odd behavior at all, he said maybe they were on their way to a friend's house...I looked at him like he just changed into an alien. If you were on your way to a friend's house, wouldn't you just get the job done once you were there? And then, to throw the dirty diaper into the woods? Maybe this is the way they both grew up, with their own parents throwing trash all over residential neighborhoods. Mike said the guy probably threw it back into the woods after he came back in the house. I went for a bike ride later and I noticed they did leave some trash, right out on the grass in the I'll have to go pick it up. I should have just gone over there last night, given them a plastic grocery bag and told them to put all their trash in there and leave on my front steps...would have saved myself the trouble.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Books and Coffee....Coffee and Books
When I try to give it up, my body thinks I'm punishing it and gets very depressed. As I said this happened recently so I decided to cheer myself up. What is better than a cup of coffee with a good book? Almost nothing...minds out of the gutter people...I said ALMOST! Anyway, to cheer myself up I took the girls to the local Borders bookstore. This is one of the mega Borders, with the nice little cafe in the back and comfy lounging chairs all over the store. We all picked out books, then I got a nice mocha coffee and we sat for three wonderful hours reading away. Well, Bethany did more people watching than reading, but I read a whole book and Jamie read several smaller books. What a blissful way to spend an afternoon...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Lazy Daze...And My Neighbors, The Hummingbird Whisperers...
We also have a hummingbird feeder hanging off our back deck, just like they do. We almost never had hummingbirds as we always used that red "food" you buy in the store. This must be the hummingbird equivalent of stale saltines. We finally asked our neighbors what they used and he said he makes is with water and sugar. So Mike dutifully made up a batch and like magic we have had hummingbirds daily. They are so amazing I could watch them all day. Now, even though we get them now and then, it's still nothing like my neighbors I call them the hummingbird whisperers...but don't tell them, they don't know that yet....uh, I guess they probably know now if they are reading this!
So just as my neighbors are the hummingbird whisperers, my daughter is the dragon fly whisperer. (warning: close up photo of a dragonfly coming up-skip if you don't like them!) We love dragonflies....they do not bite, as many people think. Many times they will land gently on your hand if you let them, and look up at you curiously with their over sized eyes. With the pool, however, many of them end up in the water. The dragonflies view the pool as a huge bird bath I guess because we watch them swoop in for a drink of water and fly away. Sometimes they swoop too close and if their wings get stuck in the surface tension of the water, they're stuck there. Bethany feels it is her mission to save all of these dragonflies before they end up in the dreaded pool filter. Last week, it seemed that almost all of the dragonflies we came in contact with, were carrying eggs! We never noticed eggs before so I grabbed a photo of one on Beth's finger...she literally has it upside down so I can get a photo of all the little black eggs stuck to it's under's like she lulled it to sleep and can make it do whatever she wants....
I guess it's touch to see the eggs in this photo, but you can see what I mean about her effect on it.
Along with the garden we planted this year, we also planted morning glory seeds. I grew up with morning glories around our garage door. If you are not familiar with them, their vines grow far and their flowers can only be seen in the morning. They literally close up in the afternoon and evening. My favorite part of the flowers are the new flowers that haven't opened yet. The bud is twisted up like this one...
and they have a nice, spiral look to them. I almost stepped in dog poop walking over to take this photo...the hardships I endure for you people! Here it is from a different view...
A few cherry tomatoes, almost ready for the picking....
And is that a cucumber I see hiding in there?
Now this character has been hanging around with his mate and we can't get enough of them. Cardinals are just so red and striking and fantastic. It's usually not that often that we see them, until now. He seems to come around every night after dinner...but he never lets me get close enough to get a good picture of him...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Squash That Thought....
Isn't it a beauty! It's huge! Not really...but we were afraid it would rot if we left it any idea why...we're new at this, remember? Here it is next to a pencil so you can see how small it actually is....
This is my home grown sauteed squash...yum!