So we have one week and two days before my kids go back to school. The end of the summer, a time when kids are trying to grasp at every last little bit of sleeping late and doing absolutely nothing for as long as they can...right? Not my little genius. She got up this morning and as I was eating my breakfast, she pitched her plan for how we would spend our Saturday. Doing math. You heard me...she wanted to do math. Her teacher said they should practice their math facts over the summer and she was getting worried because summer was almost over and she had not once done any math! So she proposed we spend our morning practicing math facts...I stared at her like a fly at the end of a frog's tongue...I knew I was getting sucked into something and I could only anticipate how bad it would be. Blink, blink...I stared at her blankly for a minute or so...did she really come from me? Did any of my genes really run through this child? I was seriously starting to doubt it...the mere mention of math when it was remotely summer like was cause for stomach upset and anxiety. She could tell by the blank stare that she was losing me so she backed down a little and said, "OK, just for 2 hours; for 2 hours we'll do math facts". My brain was arguing: the Mother side was saying "hello! this is your job...you want her to grow up and be able to make lots of
mon...I mean do whatever she wants, right?". Then the part of me that has never grown up laughed, "Math! Are you kidding? Someone tell me she's kidding...this is a joke, right? Does she know it's Saturday?". The Mom side won out and we did
friggin' math facts...ugh...the things we do for our kids!
Since it rained relentlessly today, I spent the entire day cleaning and decided to take a break tonight and watch a movie. It's one from Blockbuster that came through the mail. I had wanted to see it for a long time - I think when it came out years ago it got a bunch of awards. It was "Angela's Ashes"...wow...what a pick me up that was! That had to be the most depressing movie EVER! I could not believe how many bad things happened to one family...and it takes place in Limerick, Ireland and as far as the movie is concerned, it rained in torrents pretty much every day, all year round. Now I know this isn't true because I've been to Ireland, specifically Limerick, and it was not raining. So there.
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