Saturday, August 1, 2009

Squash That Thought....

I know I haven't posted any garden updates lately, but the garden has been coming along nicely...very slowly...but nicely. I heard from someone that due to the copious amounts of rain we have had in the last two months, it's taking longer for the veggies to grow. So we have nice, big, green, healthy plants....but the veggies are taking their time....except for the squash! We picked our very first home-grown vegetable today! I was so proud...I mean we planted these tiny seeds and now I was holding an actual, edible squash in my hands...

Isn't it a beauty! It's huge! Not really...but we were afraid it would rot if we left it any idea why...we're new at this, remember? Here it is next to a pencil so you can see how small it actually is....

I decided to cut it up and saute it in EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) as Rachel Ray says and some salt and pepper....look at all the juicy goodness of the earth that flowed from it when I started to cut it up....

This is my home grown sauteed squash...yum!

We have tons of cherry tomatoes, but they just won't turn red....anyone out there know why? They are starting to get too big to be called cherry tomatoes - they already broke a couple of the sticks the plants are tied to! But they are all still green. Now the peppers and cucumbers have to catch up...don't worry, I'll be posting as soon as I pick the first of each!

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