Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain & Palin
Monday, August 25, 2008
Australia Beer At Its Finest - Must Watch
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Bejing Olympics Closing Ceremony Moments

Friday, August 22, 2008
Watch Out, Einstein!
There is a whole big process for this program...try to follow along people (I know it might be tough for those of us who have not been through said Program):
- You get a letter from your child's second grade teacher advising you that your child is a candidate for the program but will need to be grilled by a psychologist before being accepted into said Program. Of course this letter alone is enough to send most parents running for college applications, right? I'm not the only one, right?
- You have to send a form back saying, yes, please let me know if my child is a genius, or no, my child will not be subjected to your silly test - read "afraid of rejection". I'll make a note here that you really should try to read this note as soon as you get it, even if it's 2 weeks before school ends and you have enough papers coming home every day that you could paper the bottom of every bird cage in the state.
- Should you choose yes, once you send the form back to school (making sure to pin it to your child's forehead to make sure the teacher sees it), you should hear back from someone at the school letting you know when they will be testing your child. Another helpful note here, especially if it's close to the end of school: if you do not hear from anyone at the school regarding said grilling, do not wait until two days before school ends.
- Should you happen to wait until 2 days before the end of school, most likely you will be told your child will have to interrupt their blissful, education free time at some point and be subjected to the test. I accepted this at face value and made a note in my planner to call someone mid-July if I had not heard anything.
- Once August hits and you've forgotten to look at your planner for weeks, expect a phone call from the flaky psychologist to try to set up said testing. Of course I get a call just as Bethany has come down with mild pneumonia and we both agree that she should not be tested when she isn't feeling well. After a very long conversation with the psychologist that felt like she was never quite sure what she was talking about, she advised she would call back at the end of the week to see how Bethany was feeling.
- After no call at the end of the week and us forgetting all about the testing, my husband comes home one day the following week to a message that went something like this: "This is Lydia and I'm waiting to test Bethany! She hasn't been tested yet!" all in a very annoyed tone and of course listened to hours after it was left. I get ahold of this woman who I find out was at the school waiting for us to show up for our appointment we never knew we had...?
- Did I mention my daughter has to switch schools for this program? There are only 2 classrooms in our city for this program, neither at my daughter's school. Little Miss Pyscho has been telling me all along that Bethany will be sent to School B due to where we live - it's all decided by where you live. The Program is for 3rd and 4th grade only. Then she would have to re-join the non-Einstein kids for 5th grade, which begins middle school.
- Anywho....after refreshing psycho's memory about her calling to see how Beth was feeling and slowly getting the "oh yeah" response...and another talking in circles conversation, we set up a time for her to be tested. I should make a note here that really, read the paper as SOON as your child brings it home. Had she been tested while at school before it ended last year, we could have avoided all this....although I was becoming more amused with Little Ms Psycho.
- Bethany had no fear of the test and thought she did great....she's a trooper and takes most things in stride....certainly doesn't take after her parents! Little Miss Psycho advised she would grade Bethany's test right away and bring it to the Superintendent that day since it was so close to school starting. She gave me the gentleman's phone # and said I could call there to get the results. With my previous experience with her, I should have just ignored anything she said, but I'm a sucker like that.
- When I call the superintendent's office there is no answer or machine. Of course not, why would I expect her to have known what she is talking about! When I talk to my husband, Mike, about this he just keeps asking "And she is giving these tests?" So I again call Ms. Psycho only for her to advise she has not yet graded Bethany's test. When I remind her she advised she would grade it right away, etc., she dismisses that and just tells me probably tomorrow. I'm ready at this point to run out and buy this poor woman some sort of supplement to help memory loss....
- I call Superintendent's office the next day and am rudely told they cannot give me this information and the person who tested my child usually gives that info. I explain the psycho probably doesn't remember the grade and told me to call their office. They take my name and number and throw it away.
- Day 3: I come into work to find a message from......the Superintendent's office! I truly was surprised. So I call back and am given the wonderful news that Bethany has been accepted into said Program. Not only that but she tested at a 5th grade level for everything except Math. She tested just above 6th grade for that. He tells me she has an IQ of 140. Never having been through the said Program myself, I stupidly say, "I'm not sure what that means"....and he is thinking, "of course you don't...let me explain it s-l-o-w-l-y", but he says "I give the example of people who usually go for their Doctorate have an IQ of about 125-129." I'm thinking,"Holy Shit!"...but I say, "That's great!"
- So I immediately call Mike to tell him the good news and he says, "She gets it from you because I'm a dumbass"! Which he isn't, of course, but it's still good to hear him say it :) Then he gushes about how proud he is.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Ms. Psycho told us the wrong school as well. Bethany would not be going to school B, she will be going to school C and it's a world of difference b/c school C is not that old and still looks brand new (and actually is identical to her original school - they used the same plans) and school B is a much older (Mike went there for elementary school, just to give you an idea of how old and he is 40!) and run down.
So we all had a tour of the school she would be going to and she decided she would at least try the Program. They advised if she really didn't like it she could go back to her own school with the less talented and gifted. She is worried about missing all her friends and I don't blame her...what else do you have at this age?
I will feel utterly awful if I don't mention that our older daughter, Jamie, was also recommended for the Program when she was going into 3rd grade, but she refused to even get tested. She did perfectly fine without having gone through said Program. She just completed 5th grade where she was in the honors classroom and had straight A's and A+'s the whole year. She is 11 years old and reads more in a week than I read in a normal year. She is in the process of writing a book and has created a website with a friend. Now I'm feeling like a dumbass. When I was 11 it was all about Chinese jump rope and swimming at the local public pool.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Spain in Mourning
Breaking Dawn Shines in My Book!
This article:
talks about how some in the fandom say Breaking Dawn portrays females as weak (b/c Bella can't live without Edward) and glorifies teen pregnancy AND promotes anti-abortion! Are you kidding people??!! you sit there and analyze everything you read and figure out ways to bring negativity to something that is created to bring enjoyment? It's a book for crying out loud! Remember? That's a story where the author makes up characters and a plot and tries to make it really interesting? I believe Ms. Meyer has undoubtedly succeeded in that respect! Ms. Meyer is the only one who got the privilege in decided where the story line would bring us. Anyone with their own story line running in their head were probably disappointed - but that's no one's fault but their own.
I also want to address the fact that anyone who feels the latest "Bedward" story was not right for their daughters SHOULD NOT HAVE LET THEM READ IT! I have not let my daughter read any of the series yet, although she is only 11 (going on 15) so that might be a given, but I will probably not allow her to until she is 16 or so. My main reason is all the sexual tension in the books. The Edwella romance provides for quite the passionate relationship. The sexual tension is almost unbearable at times....really, it's not just me, right? This is something I don't think younger girls will understand at all...OK, I'm hopeful my daughter won't understand this until she is much older....and without the knowledge of those feelings from experience, the pages are turned with much less intensity.
It's my first day after finishing Breaking Dawn and I'm so sad the series has ended :( I'd love to hear from other Edwella fans!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Breaking Dawn
Background: For those of you not familiar with the hottest book series out there since Harry Potter, Twilight was the first brilliant read by this talented author. What are they about? Hmmm....I watched a web cast with the author who, even herself, said she hesitates to tell people the book is about Vampires....I can feel you cringing - stop that! Let me be the first to tell you I normally do not like books about Vampires and you will hear a lot of Twilight fans say this. I normally read Michael Crichton, murder mystery or just good story telling, like the Shell Seekers. Never in a million years did I think I would like Twilight. The books are classified as being for the "young adults"....but so were Harry Potter, right?
Months ago a librarian recommended Twilight for my daughter (who is 11 but the woman thought she was 15.....yes we're in for trouble with her!) - my daughter had no interest in reading the book so I took a look. I had nothing to read at the time, and so began my wild journey into the Twilight world!
I read Twilight in a matter of days and it wasn't until the book ended abruptly that I realized it was a series. I flew through the next 2 books, Eclipse and New Moon (I can't remember if that is their correct order) with such a ferocious appetite it was exhilarating. However, I didn't talk about it much outside of my family. I mean really....Vampires? Who would take me seriously? What would my friends think?
I even went on the official fan club web website to check it out, but it definitely felt geared toward the young adult.....then it happened. I was at the library with my girls, as we are at least once a week, talking with the same woman (young adult = 18 yr old) that recommended the book originally. She was hooked way before me and created legions of followers for which I am grateful. Suddenly another Mom who was lingering close by said, "Are you talking about the Twilight series?" and that was all we needed to start our own little adult Twilight discussion...someone else my age equally enthralled with energy pulsing through these books! That was all I needed to no longer be in denial of my love of these characters and the feelings I have when reading them! It was such a release!
From then on it was my personal crusade to educate my friends and co-workers on the benefits of reading this series: pure enjoyment. It revolves around such an amazing, intense, heartbreaking and deeply emotional love story, you can't help but get caught up in the words pulsing through these pages.
The 4th book was released at midnight Aug. 2nd with release parties at many Borders and Barnes and Noble book stores. I reserved my copy at the Mansfield, MA Borders and arrived at 11pm to get my wristband and wait in line. I had tried to wake my 11 yr old daughter to go with me, but she refused to budge. So there I was, along with hoards of 13-18yr olds with their Moms, who were pretending they were there for their kids - oh yeah, you know they were just as excited as their kids to get their hands on that book!
I know it's a bit childish, but I put off starting the book, b/c I knew it was supposed to be the last book and once I started it, it would go quickly and that would be the end. So I read all but the last 3 chapters and have been putting off those last 3 chapters for about 2 weeks. Now, sadly, it is done. I loved the book, but I'm sad it's the end. Maybe I can start a letter-writing campaign to Stephenie Meyer to please write more?
Well, the movie Twilight comes out Nov. 21st so I guess there is still that to look forward to.
For now, go, read them, enjoy.....and know you are not alone in your enjoyment of these wonderful books!
Update A Palooza
The US is getting involved now in trying to bring home the 2 little girls from NJ who are stuck in the war torn country of Georgia. It seems the Uncle did make it there and is with the girls at his parents house, but the US has advised trying to take them out of the country "rescue mission" style would put them in more danger. A US Rep is currently in Georgia and has discussed the children with Georgia officials. Keep them in your thoughts to have a safe resolution.
The Big Foot discovery was a hoax! What a shocker!,21985,24211558-5012748,00.html I had my "I Y Big Foot" T-shirt on and was ready to spring for a vile containing REAL Big Foot could happen!
Olympic Update
Michael Phelps did what everyone expected him to do: broke Mark Spitz record and won 100 gold medals at one Olympics. Personally I think it's more interesting when the unexpected happens. Maybe if he started doing the doggie paddle during one of his meets or something? Anyone, according to news reports he is on schedule to now earn more than an human being should be allowed. Whatever....
The chinese woman gymnast beat out the US gymnast even though she fell. Judges gave lame excuse that the Chinese routine was more difficult. I'm sure there are Chinese officials making sure the Chinese athletes are presented in the best possible light (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean?)
I hope you have enjoyed today's version of Update A Palooza!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Olympics Update!
Big Foot, Big Letdown
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Big Foot Revealed!
All Spiffed Up
War in Georgia Hits Close to Home
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Gloucester "Mama Drama"
Now, I have no idea if there was a pact or there wasn't a pact - this seems to be the point of contention for the Mayor and the Superintendent, what I do know is that regardless of why the media was there, this principal was able to bring to light an obvious problem with teenage pregnancy at that school. No one disputes there were 17 girls that got pregnant and no one disputes that is nearly 4 times the norm at this school. I think the Mayor and Superintendent were embarrassed that their high school was being thrown into the spotlight for negative reasons and were trying sugar coat the situation as well as place blame anywhere but on them. They should be embarrassed....for not bringing the situation to light themselves!
*"Mama Drama" taken from the Boston Herald article
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Harry the Pig (Spider Pig)

Rockefeller Identity
So here is my question: can you possibly imagine being his ex-wife? The girls mother who pleaded for her return on You Tube? If this woman had no idea who he really was, this woman must be counting her blessings every single day that she unloaded this guy, or maybe he dumped her, I have no idea, but either way I'm sure she saddled with relief that nothing serious happened to her or her daughter. Maybe the ex did know and that's why she kicked him to the curb?