Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Breaking Dawn Shines in My Book!

I honestly could not believe what I was reading online today. Only just having finished the final saga of the Twilight series, I went online to see what people were saying about it. I previously avoided this so as not to accidentally get wind of any plot spoilers. Now I read that there are people encouraging others to return this book! From what I have read in different blogs and articles, this is mainly due to some fans not enjoying how the story played out in this final episode. (warning, spoilers approaching quickly !)

This article:
talks about how some in the fandom say Breaking Dawn portrays females as weak (b/c Bella can't live without Edward) and glorifies teen pregnancy AND promotes anti-abortion! Are you kidding people??!! you sit there and analyze everything you read and figure out ways to bring negativity to something that is created to bring enjoyment? It's a book for crying out loud! Remember? That's a story where the author makes up characters and a plot and tries to make it really interesting? I believe Ms. Meyer has undoubtedly succeeded in that respect! Ms. Meyer is the only one who got the privilege in decided where the story line would bring us. Anyone with their own story line running in their head were probably disappointed - but that's no one's fault but their own.

I also want to address the fact that anyone who feels the latest "Bedward" story was not right for their daughters SHOULD NOT HAVE LET THEM READ IT! I have not let my daughter read any of the series yet, although she is only 11 (going on 15) so that might be a given, but I will probably not allow her to until she is 16 or so. My main reason is all the sexual tension in the books. The Edwella romance provides for quite the passionate relationship. The sexual tension is almost unbearable at times....really, it's not just me, right? This is something I don't think younger girls will understand at all...OK, I'm hopeful my daughter won't understand this until she is much older....and without the knowledge of those feelings from experience, the pages are turned with much less intensity.

It's my first day after finishing Breaking Dawn and I'm so sad the series has ended :( I'd love to hear from other Edwella fans!

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