I haven't been into giving personal reviews of the books I read, but I felt I had to make an exception. I have just finished reading the 4th and final (supposedly) installment of the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.
Background: For those of you not familiar with the hottest book series out there since Harry Potter, Twilight was the first brilliant read by this talented author. What are they about? Hmmm....I watched a web cast with the author who, even herself, said she hesitates to tell people the book is about Vampires....I can feel you cringing - stop that! Let me be the first to tell you I normally do not like books about Vampires and you will hear a lot of Twilight fans say this. I normally read Michael Crichton, murder mystery or just good story telling, like the Shell Seekers. Never in a million years did I think I would like Twilight. The books are classified as being for the "young adults"....but so were Harry Potter, right?
Months ago a librarian recommended Twilight for my daughter (who is 11 but the woman thought she was 15.....yes we're in for trouble with her!) - my daughter had no interest in reading the book so I took a look. I had nothing to read at the time, and so began my wild journey into the Twilight world!
I read Twilight in a matter of days and it wasn't until the book ended abruptly that I realized it was a series. I flew through the next 2 books, Eclipse and New Moon (I can't remember if that is their correct order) with such a ferocious appetite it was exhilarating. However, I didn't talk about it much outside of my family. I mean really....Vampires? Who would take me seriously? What would my friends think?
I even went on the official fan club web website http://www.twilightlexiconblog.com/ to check it out, but it definitely felt geared toward the young adult.....then it happened. I was at the library with my girls, as we are at least once a week, talking with the same woman (young adult = 18 yr old) that recommended the book originally. She was hooked way before me and created legions of followers for which I am grateful. Suddenly another Mom who was lingering close by said, "Are you talking about the Twilight series?" and that was all we needed to start our own little adult Twilight discussion...someone else my age equally enthralled with energy pulsing through these books! That was all I needed to no longer be in denial of my love of these characters and the feelings I have when reading them! It was such a release!
From then on it was my personal crusade to educate my friends and co-workers on the benefits of reading this series: pure enjoyment. It revolves around such an amazing, intense, heartbreaking and deeply emotional love story, you can't help but get caught up in the words pulsing through these pages.
The 4th book was released at midnight Aug. 2nd with release parties at many Borders and Barnes and Noble book stores. I reserved my copy at the Mansfield, MA Borders and arrived at 11pm to get my wristband and wait in line. I had tried to wake my 11 yr old daughter to go with me, but she refused to budge. So there I was, along with hoards of 13-18yr olds with their Moms, who were pretending they were there for their kids - oh yeah, you know they were just as excited as their kids to get their hands on that book!
I know it's a bit childish, but I put off starting the book, b/c I knew it was supposed to be the last book and once I started it, it would go quickly and that would be the end. So I read all but the last 3 chapters and have been putting off those last 3 chapters for about 2 weeks. Now, sadly, it is done. I loved the book, but I'm sad it's the end. Maybe I can start a letter-writing campaign to Stephenie Meyer to please write more?
Well, the movie Twilight comes out Nov. 21st so I guess there is still that to look forward to.
For now, go, read them, enjoy.....and know you are not alone in your enjoyment of these wonderful books!
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