Front view of my
new bike!
"Bell Girls"

So, I'm actually writing this during commercials while watching the Olympics closing ceremonies. A few things worth mentioning. First, I thought it was great how everything was done on such a grand scale - with hundreds and hundreds of entertainers, drummers, etc. Then out come these glow in the dark circle things that have people in the middle of them - they were actually some type of bicycle b/c we could see the people peddling.(See photos above) Mike said he wants one...really, he wants me to see if we can get one. Might not be that hard, I mean really, what do they do with all these things after the Olympics? I can't imagine someone is going to be using those as their mode of transportation after this...."Aw shit, I have the Light Wheel today, I'll never get to work on time!" I'll attach a photo of this oddity.
Speaking of oddities....they announced the next summer Olympics will be in London in 2012, during which Jimmy Paige of Led Zeppelin fame played guitar atop a transformer London-style double decker bus. OK, it's been a while since I've seen 'ol Jimmy crankin' out the riffs, and "Whole Lotta Love" still sounded nice (could have been guitar-sync'd?).....but holy shit is he old! Really I was blown away....I think I'm still in shock. I mean when you looked at him, you looked at the features of his face and it was kind of like, "Gee something looks familiar, but....the packaging is all wrong!"
The bus was kind of cool - looked just like a red double decker bus from London, they had a bus stop and everything, but after they danced all around it, the top opened up right down the middle, in pieces and the pieces kind of folded down over the sides of the bus so you couldn't even see any red from the bus anymore - it was all covered. From inside the bus two platforms arose and the whole things became a weird kind of stage. (see photos above).
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