Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lots of Laughs at the Kennedy Schriver Funeral...

Not the best photo, eh? Sometimes I forget that the rest of the world doesn't know who the Kennedy Family is as well as people in Massachusetts do. Whether we like it or not, they are like our Royal Family. Anything at all that happens within this family is reported in the news at a moments notice. We tend to treat their weddings like one of our distant relatives weddings, and the same goes for a death in their family. So I know I'm a little late on this, but a week ago, Eunice Kennedy Schriver passed away. I'm sure there are many of the Kennedy clan that have normal, regular jobs and lead normal, regular lives...but it almost seems that they all tend to do something fantastic in the lives. Eunice was no different as she founded the Special Olympics and did it way back when parents were made to feel ashamed about they special needs children. So not only did she do something great, she bucked the trend to do it. I had never even heard anything about her husband before last week...there was so much on the news leading up, and then after her death. her husband, Sargeant Schriver, was "the driving force behind the founding of the Peace Corps"! Can you imagine helping to found an organization as big as the Peace Corps and still getting trumped by your spouse!
So I hadn't posted anything on the passing of Eunice because I just didn't have an angle. I usually come across my own way of seeing a situation. Then last night my Dad gave me the gift of a story about the funeral. My Dad definitely has the gift of the gab and I love it. I may have mentioned in the past how my parents are well known in my church (and I use the word "my" loosely), and when I say well known, my Dad and his friend are like the comedic caretakers of the church and pal around with the pastor on a daily basis. Over the past year, there was a young priest wannabe staying at our church. I guess it's the Catholic equivalent of an internship in the business world. Nice guy, good sense of humor. So in June he was ordained and was given his own church to, in? Guide? Find comic relief in? Which church? The church that was just host to countless famous people coming for the funeral of Eunice Kennedy Schriver. Can you imagine? What luck! Most of us would be thinking, "Is it ok to ask for autographs at a funeral?", not this newly ordained priest. At Communion time he was standing halfway down the aisle with the wine in the goblet and noticed a man coming back from Communion still fiddling with the host (bread) in his hand (blasphemy!) he scolded him and told him not to play with it, that he should have consumed it right away! Who was the man? Jon Bon Jovi! This coming from the same priest that also said Stevie Wonder really annoyed him that day because he kept waving at him and Stevie wouldn't wave back....

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