Monday, November 24, 2008

8 Year Olds With Bling....

Yesterday in church (I never knew there was so much blog-fodder in church!) there was an 8 year old girl and her mother sitting in the pew directly in front of us. I know them, that's how I know the girl is 8 years old. I also know the woman's husband is a doctor and they appear to be "well-off" for all intense purposes. And it's really none of my business what other people spend their money on, but this little girl was dripping in TIFFANY jewelry! In case you have lived your life until now with your head in the sand, Tiffany's sells very shiny, expensive, pretty jewelry...did I mention expensive? If you have never been on their website, take a look. The 8 year old had on the ring pictured above....a mere $175. She also had on a bracelet...I didn't get a good enough look to be able to price it, and also an initial necklace, which may, or may not have been Tiffany. Regardless, I cannot imagine giving my 8 year old the responsibility of not losing a ring that cost more than our groceries for one week! Maybe it was a gift, but I would put it away until she got older...I don't think I was responsible enough to own jewelry that expensive until I was married! Personally I like Tiffany's mini Elsa Peretti starfish necklace or bracelet...just for the record. Not that I would ever pay $265 for it....I'm going to let you in on a little secret...there is a website where you can get knock-off's for tons of items at a fraction of the cost! Oh can get authentic-looking Tiffany jewelry for say $10! They have all kinds of knock off's on that site...familiar with Links of London? They have knock-off's on there. Ed Hardy clothes? Got 'em. Almost all of them that I've looked at appear to come from somewhere in Asia...but the shipping is not expensive. The Tiffany stuff comes with the Tiffany box and everything...great if you want to really impress a relative for the holidays! The only way I think someone can tell they are not real is if they take them to a Tiffany store and weigh them...I guess the real thing weighs more or something....not that I researched it or anything :) So the lesson here is buy your kids the cheap stuff until they realize the value of the good stuff!

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