Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sit, Stand, Kneel, Stand...No, Sit!

Anyone who reads my blog knows I belong to a church, but I'm not sure if I mentioned it's a Catholic church. Why am I bestowing this information on you now, you ask? My daughter had one of those realization moments in church this morning and it was kind of funny. First, let me give you a little background in case your not familiar with the whole Catholic church experience. Upon entering the church, make sure you grab a guidebook on the way in, also known as the "missallette" (I don't think that's spelled right and if my Mother read my blog, she would yell at me later!). The guide book will kind of take you through each part of the service so you can read along and look like you know what you're doing. I, myself, never use a guidebook. I find that I don't really listen to what is being said if I'm just looking at the words in a book...Bethany, however, faithfully follows along in her guidebook. Now, Catholics believe everyone can always use a little exercise, so they built some right into the service! About every 5-10 minutes you either sit, kneel or stand. We also have a "get-to-know-your-neighbor" part when everyone shakes hands, although I never understood why we didn't introduce ourselves during this part. Your exercise efforts are rewarded with a light snack towards the end of the service. OK, so briefly, there is our services. (I'm so glad my parents don't have Internet access yet!). Anyway, today was the first time Bethany realized that in the guidebook it tells you when to sit, stand and kneel. She thought this was cool until one part of the service when we were standing, she couldn't find where she would be able to sit down again and she began to panic...she really thought she would just have to go on standing there forever. I assured her if she waited a few minutes we would be sitting and then she'd be getting her snack. All was right with her world again.

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