This is Bethany after getting her face painted in Disney. The face of innocence. I say this because Bethany came home yesterday and said they had a debate in school about the Presidential candidates and had a mock election. She said she wanted Obama to win. I asked her why and she stated several good reasons - things that he was going to do for the people - as to why she wanted him to win. Then I asked her why she didn't want McCain to win...she said b/c he was a bad person...she said he was a prisoner for 5 years and was in jail! Horrified, I tried explaining to her what a prisoner of war is and that he is actually a war hero, but she would cut me off and just say "No. He was a prisoner. Not voting for him." and she wouldn't listen to anything else we had to say about it. I actually emailed her teacher and asked her if she could please explain this to Bethany b/c maybe she would listen if it was coming from her teacher instead of us.
See what happens when you don't get the whole story?
Oh my gosh, that's too funny!