Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Daily Trainwreck That Is I

For those of you who know me, or have read some of my blogs, you know my day is not complete with some amount of upheaval. I'm just one of those people that attracts accidents or mishaps. It doesn't mean I accept it gracefully, in fact, I still find it quite irritating. Let me give you an example: yesterday began like every other - my alarm goes off at 5:30am, I hit snooze but the dogs have already been queued to come wake me up. So after spending 5-10 minutes trying to catch the weather, I roll out of bed to go feed the now happy-dancing, nudging me down the hall, dogs. Only on this day, I step in something wet along the dark hallway. Without missing a beat, I quickly assess nothing has stuck to my foot so I continue to the kitchen to feed the dogs and let them out. Now I go back to see that someone did something in the hall while I was sleeping, but (and not to be gross here, but you will be if you don't have a dog) the dogs have already "taken care of it" and there is just a wet brown spot that needs cleaning. Cut to an hour later, I'm showered, dressed for work (in my only clean top, mind you) and getting ready to bring Jamie to the bus stop. I smell something by the kitchen sink and determine it's the ceramic lasagna pan I left soaking overnight. I decide I can give it a quick wash and still make the bus. When I drain the pan of all the now dirty water with bits of cheese and pasta floating in it, the sink clogs and fills with the dirty water - now the pan slips out of my hands into the sink sending dirty water, bits of cheese and pasta cascading over my head and top half. I should have gone back to bed right then and there. I changed into a clean, but with 2 coffee stains, shirt b/c when things like this happen, it's best not to dwell on them!
I'd love to hear some mishap stories from the readers! Let me know I'm not alone!

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