Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pregnant Man

What a more fitting tribute to Father's Day than the story of the first pregnant man! You heard me right...if you haven't already heard of this or read the story, just google "pregnant man" and the story of Thomas Beatie will come up. So Thomas used to be a woman and decided she wanted to be a man, but didn't want to be a man completely b/c she said to leave in the ovaries...?

OK, so I don't really think it's a fitting tribute. I mean I figured it would happen sooner or later, but not like this. Thomas isn't really a man, not in my eyes anyway. Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with the transgender group; I mean do what ya have to do to rest your tortured soul...but don't call yourself a man if you still have ovaries! Unfortunately I'm not sure what I would call him/ life isn't confusing enough and he/she is going to bring a child into the world this way? It's not like the child won't find out about him/her, I mean the whole world knows! I just don't think it's fair to make a child's life more difficult than you already know it's going to be.

Thomas who used to be Tracy, was actually quite pretty as a woman. This website has the story and photos

On behalf of myself for the Father of my kids and for all Fathers out there...Happy Father's Day!

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