Thursday, August 14, 2008

War in Georgia Hits Close to Home

If you have watched the news lately no doubt you have seen something about the war happening in the country of Georgia, once part of the Soviet Union. Like the average American, you probably tuned it out or changed the channel to something more local, more relevent. Well I just saw a news story on about two little girls from NJ who are on summer vacation staying with their Grandparents on their farm in this country when the fighting broke out. I believe the girls are 7 and 3 years old. The parents are here, in the US, terrified. The Grandparents tried getting to the airport as soon as they realized what was happening, but were turned back by Russian troops. If you are not a parent, you may not understand the truly painful situation this presents. I watched a video clip of this story and the parents are so understandably distraught. The story went on to say how a relative, the girls' Uncle I believe, is on his way there to try to help get around the Russian troops and bring the girls home. Very sad. Join me in keeping this family in your thoughts for well wishes and a safe return of their children.

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