The Christmas season is in full swing. For many people this is an exciting time with all the decorating, eating, getting together with good friends, maybe a little ice cream...what? OK, so I'm speaking from my point of view......with the good, always comes the bad...for me the Christmas season also means having to deal with the dreaded Christmas cards. There are some of you out there that know what I'm talking about...no, I don't mean the tortuously tedious task of writing and sending the cards. I'm talking about getting them. Ugh, it's awful. Yes, I love hearing from all my friends and family...my problem is getting the family photo cards of friends who are supposed to be the same age as you but still look like the day you graduated college! You can tell the envelopes that have those photo cards in them and I look at the return address...oh great, I bet she looks fantastic...maybe I'll get lucky and the kids are doing something stupid! Kidding...kind of....is it really bad if I'm not? I will be on our Christmas card this year and I'm not happy about it b/c I look like I had 5 kids, not 2....and stress does a number on your skin. Anyway, the photo above is one I copied from a website called "tiny prints"...it's not my family, but it's representing the perfect family...right? Although the husband kind of has a dirty smile, doesn't he? Like he's secretly groping his wife's backside, and her smile kind of goes along with that. The boy all the way to the right, with missing teeth, is saying,"I'm going to beat the crap out of you guys once we're done here" to his brothers; the boy in the maroon sweater is trying to hide behind his mother and the boy in the middle is saying, " ".
I really do love getting the cards, I'm just jealous that my friends have aged so well (Molly!Looking Fabulous!). I should start getting ready now for next year's photo....or maybe we'll just do photos of the girls :)
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