Saturday, December 27, 2008

TAG! You're It!

I keep meaning to write about this because I have found it to be quite ridiculous and very frustrating at the same time. When I was growing up....OK, that doesn't work because I still don't feel grown up.....when I was younger, maybe up until 5-10 years ago, and I'm sure there are people out there who know exactly when this began happening, when you purchased a shirt, sweater, sweatshirt, there was a tag at the back of the neckline. This tag was quite informative as it gave you the size, manufacturer, material the clothing was made out, as well as instructions on how it should be washed and dried! Very efficient. Then for some reason, and I'm sure somewhere out there is a person who can justify this, companies began using 2 different tags. The one at the neck now only stated the size and company. To find the washing and drying instructions we now had to hunt for another tag, usually on the side near the bottom of the shirt. Why? I can't tell you how many times I grab that neck tag to look for washing and drying instructions only to find that it's not there. I generally don't buy clothing that can't be put in the washer and dryer so I'm always checking the tags before I buy and inevitably I am turning clothes inside out at the store to find this "hidden" tag. Infuriating. If anyone knows the reason companies think it's a good idea to spend more money on making two tags, that have to be sewn into two different places, please let me know.

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