What do you see when you look at this picture? If you see a woman who is committed to maintaining her healthy lifestyle, including running, even when there is snow on the ground, you haven't driven with me. Now, anyone out there who goes running faithfully, just stop reading now because you probably won't like what I have to say. This picture represents an accident waiting to happen. I'm sorry, but when there are snowpiles on the sides of the road, it is just too dangerous to be out running. My car does not like to share the road with runners...or walkers. Cyclists are OK because they usually follow the rules and flow with the traffic. Runners and walkers seem to always buck the traffic...I think that's what they are supposed to do, but it doesn't make sense to me to walk into oncoming traffic....did our lawmakers share a bong before they came up with that one? Anyway, we have some mighty narrow roads near where I live and when I see a runner, I cringe. I can't always go around them because there is a curve in the road or I'm afraid I'm not going to pull far enough away from them and I'll graze them with the side of my car. This morning really set me off...and there is no snow, as a matter of fact, it was a beautiful day. I was driving to church and the road basically cuts through a lake, via a small bridge, which happens to have a curve right in the middle of it. I cringe when two cars have to pass each other on this bridge....if I can see a car is coming the other way, I will wait at the other side until the car has gone over and then proceed. So today, I didn't see any car coming, although that doesn't always mean there isn't, and right in the middle, on the curve, are 3 runners. Now I thought when runners were in a situation like that, narrow road, car coming, that common courtesy would dictate they would run single file until the road widened, or the car passed. Oh no. I had pull all the way into the opposite lane in order to pass them...I couldn't stop in my lane because they would have run right into the front of my car...not only that, but they gave ME a dirty look when I did pass! I should have put it in reverse and hit the gas! Kidding! But really...could they have been any less safe? I have to say, I have never felt more safe than when I'm curled up on the couch with my chocolate-coffee and some yummy toasted sweet-bread with peanut butter! Problem solved!
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