I'm revisiting the runner issue. We had over 12 inches of snow over the weekend, as well as ice. The roads are a mess and if you had to go anywhere you crossed your fingers and drive very slowly and carefully. Not to mention the roads are all more narrow due to the snow and ice plowed to the sides. Then I came across a woman out for her run. Yes, I'm sure she is in great shape; yes, I admire her drive and
commitment to go running no matter what the weather is like. The problem is when you're in a car you have to drive around a runner to avoid them and doing this in icy conditions is not always so easy - you run the risk of sliding and could end up sliding right into them. Also if there is a car coming the other way and you have to stop in order to avoid driving into the runner, it's not always easy to stop and not slide. I don't understand why these people don't see how dangerous it is to go running under these conditions!!?? Get a treadmill for God's sake! Or better yet, be like the rest of us and sit your flabby self down on the couch for some TV time!
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