I'm a klutz, I can't cook and should stay out of the kitchen, the serial breastfeeder will one day realize she is going to burn in hell for flashing Jesus so close to the alter, I find humor in way too many things, I can be serious about some worldly issues, there is no such thing as a pregnant man, only a pregnant man-who-is-really-a-woman-pretending-to -be-a-man-but-never-really-wanted-to-be-a-man-because-she-kept-her-female-organs-to-have-a-child-who-will-grow-up-to-be-deeply-disturbed, I have actual health issues but am seen as a hypochondriac, I am still waiting for my "light wheel bike" to arrive from the Olympics, I have kids smarter than me, I love the Twilight books and want to be a vampire, I love ice cream, big foot is not real (didn't mean to shock you with that one), my friend's pig, Harry is adorable - look for his calendar soon, I will never dress up for Halloween again, I should stay away from Penny sales because I'm a loser, I love pets and taking pictures, and did I mention I love ice cream?
Hmm, guess I could have just written this post a year ago and saved us a lot of time! OK, do you need to refresh your drink before I move on? It's OK, I'll wait........Well, the photo at the beginning of this post....way up there, is from a local place that's called LaSalette Shrine. It's a holy place and they have a gift shop with all kinds of holy stuff (I'd probably burn my hands if I tried to look at anything in there) but the reason this place is such an attraction is that during the Christmas season, the place is literally doused in thousands of lights and light displays. It's free and the kids like it so it's a safe bet. My friend just told me it's starting to get a little theme-park like in that they are now selling hot chocolate in light-up flashing mugs! Very tacky...especially for a Holy place....ok, I want one. I mean how cool would it be...I'd be the only one in my office with a light-up flashing coffee mug! Sitting there at the bus stop with my flashing mug...I'd be so cool...right?
Awww...you mentioned Harry. (o: