Sorry for the crooked picture, I was using the camera on my cell phone and trying not to let the guy pumping gas see me. Not that I was doing anything wrong, but less questions are better....anyway! Do you see the price??!!! I think I have mentioned these 2 gas stations before - they are right across the street from each other, owned by the same guy, but one station is always one cent more expensive because they pump the gas for you. I always just go to the one on the side of the road going in the direction I am headed - no need for messy crossing of traffic to get out of the place, right? So across the street the price was actually $1.48. My "sources" tell me that we will see $1.00/gallon before this craziness comes to a halt. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it, but I get an uneasy feeling when the price of gas goes from $4.00/gallon to $1.00/gallon within a year - I feel like we will have to pay somehow when this is all over. Maybe it's just my paranoia. Now all they have to do is add back in all the services they used to do, standard, when you drove into a gas station: clean your front AND back windows, check your oil, check your water or whatever....OK, maybe that was before I was driving, well not the clean your windows part, but my
Pepere (French for Grandfather) and Uncle owned a gas station when I was growing up and they were always checking under the hood. You know why that would never work these days? We are all in just too much of a rush in our daily lives to go back to the way it was. Am I right? None of us like rushing around, but we all do it! I can't see people on their way into work, taking the time to let someone check their fluids and clean their windows. I think if I pulled into a gas station and they said they were going to clean my windows, I'd start looking for the hidden camera.
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