Saturday, December 6, 2008

To Neti or Not To Neti, That Is The Question....

"I'm a little Neti Pot, short and stout, here is my lid with a hole and here is my conical shaped spout"....If you have never heard of a Neti Pot, you should google it...quite interesting reading out there. If you have never used one, you might be in for a surprise. This all came about because a friend of mine had a bad sinus infection and was unable to take antibiotics so her doctor suggested trying a Neti Pot. She was clueless to the world of Neti Pots but figured she'd give it a shot anyway. She asked around and actually found a few people not only knew about these secret sinus cleansing pots, but raved about them. Needless to say, she also had a great experience with her WalMart Neti Pot. She described the incredible amount of shall we say for the sake of those with weak stomachs....debris, that exited her nasal passages and sinuses. I understand this sounds really gross, and I'm definitely one who can gag just cleaning the toilet bowl, but the thought of not having to depend on medicine, prescription or not, is such an amazing thought that I had to get in on this. I went to WalMart and they were easy to find, just sitting on the shelf in and among the vaporizers. When I got up to the register, the clerk was a young girl with a few piercings, and I know I was judging, but I figured I would get up their with my Neti Pot and she would look at me like, "OK, Granny, have fun with your old lady items", but instead she caught me off guard. She picked up the box to ring it up and said "Oh, I hear these work really good!" I was sold.
So there I was this evening in my bathroom with my precious $15 investment in the future of my family's health and well-being; me and my pot, my pot and me. I mean it says right on the box that it can alleviate allergy problems, or something like that, and we're all allergy sufferers in this house. So I gave it a shot. Now I did feel some pressure around my temples beforehand so I figured this is definitely going to help. I did not have any debris exiting my nasal cavity, but after using my pot (that doesn't sound right), I can feel how clear my nose is. You know the kind when you breath you can feel it right down through your throat? You just feel the air moving around? yeah, I don't normally get that feeling much. It basically pushes a saline type solution through your nose. So as weird as an experience it was, I will definitely continue to do it. I still have the pressure around my temples so it must be stress or something. I told my friend we should create a Neti Pot club...we can recite all the ways it benefits our health and chant "All hail the Neti Pot" before taking turns demonstrating it use.

1 comment:

  1. So are you starting to get better "debris" results? I was seriously considering trying one of these. Wow, we do seem to have a lot of the same issues, huh?
