Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Am The Exception....

I was going to give up on the neti pot, I mean really, I've used it about 8 times now and 3 of those times were right in a row. I was determined to make something come out of my sinuses...I wanted to feel that it helped me at least a little bit. Nothing. Don't tell me my sinuses are clear and that's why nothing comes out...5 minutes after using the damn thing I would get gobs going down the back of my throat....ugh, eww. Every person that I talked to, including the woman behind me in the buffet line at the Christmas party, said they swear by it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it didn't work for me, that really is the story of my life. I'm sure if I checked somewhere on the neti pot box, in small print, it says that there is a .5% chance this will not work for you. That's where I come in. I've always been the exception. You know when you get a prescription filled at the pharmacy and you get that 10 page pamphlet on all the possible side effects of the drug...most are pretty standard. Then you have the section that says, "in rare cases you may grow an extra knuckle and lose hearing in your left ear". I can almost guarantee you I would be sitting there reading the info after having already been taking the drug for a day or so, and Me: "what is that lump growing on my hand?" My Husband: "What was that, hon?" Me: "Go have some fun? Is that what you said? I can't hear you!". Never fails. Unfortunately, I have passed this on to my children. My oldest daughter received the chicken pox vaccine the first year it was available, and she got the chicken pox. Another time she kept saying she didn't feel good, but had no temp, no sore throat, no nothing...after two days I took her to the doctors to "call her bluff" and she had strep....so now I just cut right to the "exceptions" for everything and count on that being the case....if the neti pot ever does work for me, I'll be sure to let you know!

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