Sunday, September 14, 2008

The World According to Ike

"The National Weather Service is issuing a mandatory evacuation or face certain death"
"Nah, I'll hang out with my shotgun and protect my neighborhood. I'm good, thanks anyway"
*****100 mile an hour winds, 15 foot surge in water levels, houses break apart....and Ike hasn't even made landfall yet*****************
"Uh, hello, officer? Remember when you said we should evacuate but I wanted to stay?
"Well, I changed my mind. Ike's still a few hours away and I'd like to be rescued now. Thanks."
"Sorry, there's nothing we can do until the storm is over. Then, of course, we have to wait until we can access the area you are in. Hope you survive. Have a good night!"

I hope everyone else sees these people for the idiots they are. I'm sorry, if they say mandatory evacuation, no one should be left. Even if they don't know what that means, I think when I heard "certain death" I would definitely know it was time to hit the road. What a waste of all those first responders time and energy. I really don't like stupid people. I just read an online article that had interviews with person after person saying "I don't know what I'm going to do, I have nothing left"....well if you had planned ahead like they told you to, you'd be in a much better place right now. Sorry, no tolerance for stupid people....unless it happens to be me :)

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