Friday, July 31, 2009

Steroids Whistle-blowers Need To Get A Life....

Oh yeah, there he is....Big Papi. He's just hit a home run and he's pointing to the crowd and saying, "That's for my fans"....or is he saying, "You, you over got my steroids? I know you do!" Yes, the news is that David Ortiz tested 2003? OK, let's see, that was....6 YEARS AGO! Get over it people! Can you imagine the stress they are under to perform and entertain? It's no longer about a family going to a game for a nice night out...although I realize Boston has the highest price tickets in the country...the only way we get to go to a game is if the tickets are given to us. Literally if we wanted to go to a game as a family of four the night out would cost us about $400. Many people from Boston go to other teams parks to see Boston play because it's cheaper. Anyway...I digress...
Now, I don't normally write about sports because, well, I wouldn't know what the hell I was talking about. And I don't really know all there is to know about the whole steroids issue so I'll apologize for my ignorance right up front. All I want is for the baseball league to just come out...all at once....and say, OK, every player has used performance enhancing drugs. There. We said it. Now can we all just MOVE ON! Seriously. I'm tired of hearing about who else tested positive! I don't know if this is true, but I heard that some of the "substances" are things contained in over the counter stuff like you would get at your local GNC - like protein powder. I found a list of the banned substances:,0,728091.story
I googled a few of the items and most did come back as either a steroid-type drug, a weight loss drug, or some type of stimulant. And how about the name of this one:


My point is, can we all just agree that everyone, or almost everyone, in baseball has used a banned substance at some point and they all promise to be good from now on so going forward if anyone tests positive, then we can say"shame on didn't share! I are going to get in trouble!" Don't come to us with old information expecting to whip us into a lynch mob frenzy out to get the a matter of fact...if anyone else tests positive for banned substances, don't come to us at all; keep it to yourself...we're tired of hearing about it.

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